From / to

Driving distance, duration, estimated cost of fuel, locate cheap gas stations, traffic and tood road, radars.  Fastest way on Google Maps

106 mi
1 hour 41 mins

How to get from Palm Springs to Pasadena

Fastes way from Palm Springs to Pasadena, the route time is approximately 1 hour 41 mins (See the traffic on the route map) and the distance is 106 mi.

Fastest way from Palm Springs to Pasadena

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Map of the road route

Driving distance from Palm Springs to Pasadena

The route generated is that our system identified as optimal for the trip, although depending on the traffic or if there are works on the road there may be other routes in the fastest time to descubir these routes simply do a search on the route finder from the top where you can see the routes by different routes and traffic conditions according to the Google Maps: